Join the fastest growing PAC in Texas!!
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Power In Community PAC (The Power PAC) is the fastest growing group of bipartisan conservatives in the state of Texas.
We are a proud collective of America loving Americans on a fast paced mission to unite our divided community. We are passionate to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, which gives every American the right:
We are committed to education and information, truth and transparency, fairness and equality, people...and not politics.
We need you. We need every able bodied American to join us in this fight to save what's left of this country. The cavalry is not coming. WE ARE THE CAVALRY.
Your generous support and contributions will enable us to meet our community, support and fight local causes, making real changes in our community. Changes we can see. We are so grateful.
Power in Community PAC (PIC-PAC)
The name of this organization shall be the Power in Community Political Action Committee (PIC-PAC) also known as The Power PAC herein after referred to as the PIC-PAC. This organization is formed and registered with the Texas Ethics Commission and is a General-Purpose Political Action Committee.
We are a community of proud Americans that will defend our constitution, our liberty, free enterprise, and capitalism and our democracy by 1.) educating others, 2.) supporting community causes, 3.) advocating for conservative legislation and regulations at all levels and 4.) promoting conservate individuals and candidates that hold truth above deception, and whom have core values as defined below.
Conservative Core Values Defined- Core conservative values are the fundamental beliefs and Constitutional principles of American society, which should unite all Americans. These values are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution.
Creator: Acknowledge and give praise to God for the many blessings of this Nation, keeping God’s word, prayer, the Ten commandments, and his presence in our government, state, schools, cities, and our homes.
Life: Each citizen has the right to the protection of his or her life.
Liberty: Liberty includes the freedom to believe what you want, freedom to choose your own friends, and to have your own ideas and opinions, to respectfully express those ideas in public and social media, the right for people to meet in groups, the right to have any lawful job or business, or the right to be vaccinated or not be vaccinated.
Pursuit of Happiness: Each citizen can find happiness in his or her own way, so long as he or she does not step on the rights of others.
Justice: All people should be treated fairly in getting advantages and disadvantages of our country. No group or person should be favored.
Common Good: Citizens and Government should work together for the good of all by passing and supporting laws that are good, fair, and just for everyone.
Equality: Citizens get the same political, social, and economic opportunities regardless of their race, their religion or wealth.
Truth: The government and citizens should hold the Truth above deception. They should be honest, transparent, and ethical in both private and public forums.
Diversity: Differences in language, dress, food, birthplace, race and religion should be embraced and accepted.
Popular Sovereignty: The power of the government comes from all the people.
Patriotism: Being devoted to our free democracy in our actions and our willingness to fight for our country as well as electing candidates with the same core values.
Section 1. Eligibility: To be a member of PIC-PAC, an individual must: a.) Complete and submit a membership application form and b.) Be paid in full for annual dues. Only registered members that are paid in full will be eligible to vote.
A. Revoked or Refused Membership: A person’s membership can be revoked or refused by 80% vote of the Executive Committee. Reasons for revocation of membership include a.) Actions that demonstrate the person does not support the PIC-PAC Core Values and b.) Actions that are disruptive, and which thereby impedes the meeting of objectives. No membership dues will be refunded.
Section 1. Elected Officers: The elected officers of the PIC-PAC shall be President; First Vice President-Net Working & Public Relations; Second Vice President-Membership; Vice President-Schools & Education; Vice President-Campaign Activities; Vice President-Fundraising; Vice President- Community Engagement; Secretary; and PAC Treasurer.
Section 2. Term of Office: The term of office for shall be two (2) years, starting January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year. Should an office be vacated prior to the end of the term, a successor will be determined by the Executive Committee in accordance with these By-laws.
Section 3. Fiscal Year: Shall be from January 1 and ending December 31st.
Section 4. Duties of Officers:
President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee, shall appoint all chairmen of all standing and special committees, and any other chairmen that are designated in these Bylaws, with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President shall serve ex-officio as a member of all committees and shall have general supervision of the work of the organization. The President shall approve all PAC communications (electronic and otherwise), including materials to be circulated or distributed.
First Vice President-Net Working & Public Relations– The Vice President-Public Relations shall oversee public announcements regarding the PIC-PAC including mailings, website updates and social media. They shall use those means to expand the knowledge and action of members and the public by direction and approval of the Executive Committee. They shall plan an educational and informative program for each meeting and perform any other duties the President may designate. The First Vice President-Programs shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
Second Vice President-Membership – The Vice President-Membership shall promote recruitment of new members and encourage retention of existing members. They shall maintain a current rooster of the PIC-PAC and distribute to members monthly. They shall send out renewal notices to the current roster of membership and organize membership activities. They shall perform any other duties that the President may designate.
Vice President-Schools & Education — The Vice President–Schools & Education shall secure information for the purpose of educating, providing the opportunity for members action related to the influences and programs on public or private education systems that conflicts with the PIC-PAC core values and democracy. They will also perform any other duties the President may designate.
Vice President-Campaign Activities – The Vice President-Campaign Activities shall work with the Executive Committee to vet candidates, educate public on voting issues, coordinate, and organize campaign activities including working Election Polls.
Vice President-Fundraising – The Vice President-Fundraising shall be responsible for recommending, planning, organizing, and coordinating at least one fundraising activity during the calendar year (January 1 – December 31) to solicit funds for the PIC-PAC following approval of the Executive Committee.
Vice President-Community Unification — The Vice President–Community Unification will secure information on local issues that need addressing and informing members on any action required. They shall also perform any other duties the President may designate.
Secretary — The Secretary shall keep a factual, unbiased, and permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee, establish and report if a quorum is present at each meeting, and shall prepare the correspondence of the PIC-PAC. They shall have custody of all records thereof and shall perform any other duties as may be required of the office.
PAC Treasurer – The Treasurer shall receive and shall be custodian of all funds of the PIC-PAC and shall pay all bills upon written authorization by the President. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and disbursed and shall give a report at each regular meeting of the organization to the membership. They shall be registered with the Texas Ethics Commission and shall submit all reports required by the TEC in a timely manner. All records must be submitted at the end of the year for review. The PAC Treasurer may select a Assistant Treasurer.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Elected Officers and the Immediate past President who shall serve as advisor, and the Chairmen of each Standing Committees.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to transact any necessary business between meetings, to make recommendations as to the policies of the organization, to advise the President, and to fill vacancies that occur between elections by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee members present and voting with the exception of a vacancy in the Presidency, in which case the First Vice President shall assume the office of President and the Executive Committee shall elect a Vice President as stated herein who shall serve until the next election of officers.
Section 3. A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 4. A vote may be conducted by mail, telephone, zoom, or email between meetings of the Executive Committee. A decision can be rendered only after written documentation has been received from a majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Standing Committees: The Standing Committees may include: Bylaws, Campaign Activities, Finance, Public & Private Education, Social Media, Photography, Legislation, Protecting our Constitution, Democratic Instability, Medical Freedom, Government Mandates, Farms/Food & Agriculture, Fighting Sex trafficking, our Nation Border Crisis, and City Action.
A. The President shall appoint the Chairman of all Standing Committees. Other Standing Committees may be appointed by the President and/or the Executive Committee as deemed advisable.
B. The Chairman of each standing committee will be on the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Duties of Chairmen of Standing Committees: Chairmen of Standing Committees shall report to the membership at regular meetings or as ordered by the President. The Committees shall outline programs for action in their respective fields for consideration and adoptions by the Executive Committee and shall carry out other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee and/or the President.
Section 3. Special Committees: Chairman of Special Committees shall be appointed by the President and/or the Executive Committee as deemed advisable.
ARTICLE VII: meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings of the PIC-PAC: The regular meetings of this PIC-PAC shall be on the third Thursday of each month unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee which shall give no less than seven (7) days’ notice of the change to the membership.
Section 2. Special Meetings of the PIC-PAC:
A. Special meetings of the PIC-PAC shall be held at the call of the President or upon the request of fifty percent plus two (50% + 2) members of the membership.
B. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be considered at the special meeting except that stated in the call of the meeting, with at least seven (7) days’ notices to the members.
Section 3. Regular Meetings of the Executive Committee: Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least four (4) times a year at such time and place as may be determined by the President. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or upon the request of a majority of the members of the Committee, for the purpose of the special meeting to be stated in the call and no other business shall be transacted, with at least three (3) days’ notices to the members.
Section 4. Executive Committee Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet, as necessary, between regular meetings of the PIC-PAC to discuss pertinent business.
Section 5. Special Meetings of the Executive Committee: Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or upon request by a majority of the members of the Committee with at least three (3) days’ notices to the members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be transacted.
Section 6. Recommendation: When necessary for the safety of members, a vote of the PIC-PAC or executive committee may be conducted by electronic means between meetings, provided there is participation by the majority of the members of the body. The vote shall be ratified and entered into the minutes at the body’s next regular meeting.
These Bylaws may be revised or amended at any regular meeting of the PIC-PAC by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) have been sent to each member at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting or provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) have been submitted in writing at a previous regular meeting. The Bylaws Committee shall consolidate and present in proper form any proposed Bylaws amendments to the Executive Committee for approval before presenting to the membership.
The most current version of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings.
Section 1. Any notices or votes on non-contested matters by Executive Committee members may be transmitted pursuant to these Bylaws and shall be deemed effective upon the date of transmittal or vote thereof if such transmittal is made by United States mail (postage pre-paid), hand delivery (by a courier service acceptable to the PIC-PAC) or electronic mail to the address maintained on file with the PIC-PAC. A Primary Member may request a written ballot which shall be provided prior to a vote taken.
Section 2.
A. President–The President is responsible for notifying the Executive Committee and its members that a vote is necessary and is further responsible for conducting the election. The President shall be responsible for collecting, tallying and verifying the results of any facsimile and/or email votes and shall be solely responsible for disseminating the results of a vote to the Committee members.
B. Secretary–The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a copy of the votes if made by facsimile and/or electronic mail or written ballot. It is the sole obligation of such PIC-PAC member to ensure that such addresses are correct. The PIC-PAC has no duty or obligation to ensure the authenticity or correctness of such addresses.
Section 3. Each Primary member of a deliberative assembly is entitled to one (1) vote on a motion, even if a person is elected or appointed to more than one position, each of which would entitle the holder to a vote.
Section 1. A quorum for a regular meeting of the Members shall be fifty percent (50%) plus two of the eligible to vote members present.
Section 2. A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of it’s members present.
ARTICLE XII: membership dues
Primary Member $50 / year
Primary Member & Spouse $75 / year
This PAC may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee, provided that Notice of Dissolution has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting and has been sent by mail or email to all members.
Power In Community PAC
PO Box 1906, Montgomery, TX 77356
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Join the fastest growing PAC in the state of Texas!!